| 1. | Part iv discloses the practical meaning of the studies on legal formal and essential justice 第四部分,研究法的形式正义与实质正义在当今中国的现实意义。 |
| 2. | Part iii puts forward the grounds on which the theory of legal formal justice is preferred than essential justice (二)罗尔斯在《正义论》中涉及此两种正义的理论。 |
| 3. | Hereby , the thesis includes four parts : part i focus on the discuss of the legal formal justice and essential justice in daily life 本文主体由以下几个部分组成:第一部分,法的形式正义与实质正义的冲突在现实生活中的表现。 |
| 4. | It efforts to answer the problem of local resources of law produced by su li , from the point of view of the conflict between legal formal and essential justice (一)从法的形式正义与实质正义的冲突与解决的理论出发对苏力的“本土资源”问题作出回答。 |
| 5. | First , it is the legal formal justice that can be possible realised from the point of view that the reason of human being is limited , because there is no certain standard to understand the legal essential justice for the limited human reason ability 第三部分,形式正义优于实质正义的理论基础。 (一)从人的理性有限的角度看,人类所能够追求的正义是形式正义。 |
| 6. | Are legal conflict between legal essential justice and formal justice an issue that could not be avoided ? is it worthy existing for the rule of lawwhen it does harm to essential legal justice as well as befits people ? should the rule of law follow essential justice or formal justice that may lead to the " true " rule of law ? in order to explore those problems , the thesis aims to make research on legal essential just ice and formal justice , and advocates that legal formal should justice prevails 法的形式正义与实质正义的冲突是法不可回避的问题吗;法治在带给人们利益的同时如何损害着实质的正义,这种损害是否有存在的价值;究竟是形式正义的法还是实质正义的法才是法治之下的法,基于以上原因,本文将探讨法的形式正义与实质正义的问题,且立论于法的形式正义应该优先于法的实质正义。 |